Difference et repetition / Tableau en evolution2013, 195cm x 162cm, oil on canvas
Institut francais du Japon-Kansai/Kyoto (Feb,6-16, 2014)
Feb,8 : Discussion sur Gilles Deleuze - Toshiya Ueno & Akihito Takuna
Organisation : GAKEI GIMLET SAAS, Co-organisation : Institut francais du Japon-Kansai, YOSHIAKI INOUE GALLERY
Soutien financier : ALPS Wine, DIONY, TSUNOKITI, Parrainage : HOLBEIN WORKS, LTD, Wako University
Conseiller : Kengo Nonaka, Partenaire media : KANSAI ART BEAT
Review : Michiaki Nanba
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(c) Art works and text copyright Akihito Takuma